Confessions of a Working Mama

Happy Monday,

Today is bittersweet. On one hand, it’s my last day of maternity leave and an opportunity to snuggle with my little one all day. On the other hand, tomorrow comes too soon and I’ll be dropping him off at daycare in less then 24-hours.

Snuggles all Day!

Snuggles all Day!

Gah, I cannot believe my maternity leave is over. Nothing prepares you for this, nothing. It all goes by so fast, like a dream. But I knew this was never going to be my reality. And I also know I am not alone. I know millions of other women have had to do the same thing, but it just doesn’t feel fair. As a woman and now a mother, it just doesn’t feel natural leaving your little one with someone other then you.

So, let’s face it, there will be tears and I will likely not sleep tonight. But life does go on. And at the end of the day, I am so thankful for my job and a career that I LOVE. My job affords me the lifestyle I lead, pays my bills and provides for Hunter. It is just something I have to do.

Luckily for this mama, I found strength in my girlfriends. They have been my rock through this entire process. I am surrounded by four beautiful, amazing mother’s who kept their careers and juggled motherhood. And we all had babies within two months of each other – how amazing is that? We share stories with each other, (the good, the bad and the ugly) text one another for support and meet for dinner every month or so. Below, meet Team Baby Bump 2014. They are my angels. Hunter is the only boy, all the rest had girls – lucky guy!

Team Baby Bump - L-R Jennifer, Karen, Erica, Michelle and me :)

Team Baby Bump – L-R
Jennifer, Karen, Erica, Michelle and me :)


So, to all my mama’s out there going back to work soon, just know you are not alone. Find strength in other women who have been there. If they don’t live nearby, pick up the phone and give them a call. And give yourself a pat on the back, you are a warrior, motherhood is a FULLTIME job and your most important role. Try and find a healthy balance between work and family – but know that family comes first!


I would personally like to thank my dear friends Jenn, Michelle, Erica and Karen. You have all been a HUGE support system for this mama. You all are so strong and I admire you in many ways!

HI-HO, HI-HO, IT’S BACK TO WORK I GO…tomorrow. Until then, I will be snuggling my little one.




  1. Michelle Wilson says:

    My love!!!! You will do much better then you think tomorrow! Never under estimate your strength! It will be hard at first, but day one will be over and you will go pick up your handsome Hunter and think, we did it! And we can do this tomorrow too! You will establish a new routine and it will all work out great! I will be thinking of you tomorrow!! And thank you for all the kind words! I couldn’t have done it with out you either!! The support of all you ladies is amazing! Thank you for always being there! Love ya! Xo

    • says:

      Thank you, Michelle! You were right, I had much more strength then I thought I had. I am amazed what mother’s can do.



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